Thursday, October 09, 2008


General Petraous has taken a postion on Afganhistan, and talking to the enemy that Barak Obama has spoken out about, leaving McCain to rethink his statements - or be on the wrong side of the Afganhistan war and the General, he adores who is running it.

John McCain, a war hero, a US Senator, has disgraced himself with the current low road that he and his unqualified running mate are taking - saying the Obama 'was palling around with terrorists' that he is an outsider, dangerous, not one of us'. McCain - Palin are trying to play the 'race card' and the 'muslim card' and are conducting a despicable, disgusting, denigrating campaign that is wrong and using lies to try and fool or mislead the American public.

With the US economy in a downward spiral, McCain - Palin are talking 'trash' and not how to reassure the American public that the economy will be fixed and not to panic sell their stocks - oh I remember - McCain said 'the economy is not my strong suit' and echoed President Bush, just before the stock market implosion that the 'fundementals of the American economy is strong'. His fellow Republicans said that McCain efforts to give imput into the bailout legislation - helped 'blow up' the discussions.

McCain needs help...Palin doesn't know enough to advise him to change course - she has only been involved in 'national politics' for six (6) weeks. McCain had only talked to Palin for 15 minutes before picking her for the second (2nd) most important job in the World - a heartbeat away from the Presidency. HOW irresponsible-HOW wrong.

The American people deserve better....

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