Friday, October 31, 2008


Detroit has been awarded $500,000 for adding bike racks to DDOT buses - the total cost would be $680,000. to add bicycle racks to the front of Detroit buses - to expand ridership.. (10-24-08, DetNews)

Waste and a luxury ..Detroit bus riders deserve better...

I used to drive to work past bus riders waiting, waiting in cold blustery weather, on rainy days/nights, on windy days/nights with no protection - no where to sit during long waits for a bus to come. There are no bus shelters at Joy-WParkway, WWarren-Evergreen almost everywhere you look, there are NO bus shelters. And that has been - for year after year after year.

Detroit bus riders need buses that run on time, that are clean and BUS SHELTERS, that's basic...and that's what's needed NOW..not bike racks...

Detroit MDOT and the Feds should rethink this issue and allow Detroit to build - bus shelters with this money. But there needs to be accountability - where is the $20 million dollars for a new crime lab?

Bus shelters first, bus shelters now... add your comments....

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