Monday, August 24, 2009



A 19 yrs old college student was killed and the CODE is a man on Chl 4 puts a finger over his lips....Don't Snitch and people continue to die - and killers continue to walk free among us...laughing and smirking - believing what a Mayor spewed out..repeated by ineffective leaders, needing to get elected, to maintain their pulpits, to keep their 'street creds'

No one knows a thing...didn't see a thing...wont say a thing.....

A legacy of Mayor Coleman Young continues - reinforced by Ron Scott (Comm Against Police Brutality)...and others who have been conditioned Detroit residents to see the Detroit Police as a "white army of occupation" - 'the man'...a danger to you and your friends - thugs in uniform...on and on....with Detroit leaders standing silent as the Code is observed.

PC Evans is standing up and speaking out...break the code, stop the murders - but after years and years of official acceptance - the perception lives on. He needs help - ministers and community leaders must stand up from their pulpits and on the street corners and say - Speak Up, put murders, robbers and rapists in jail! Black power shouldn't mean you rob your black neighbors, kill and rape your brothers and sisters, and grandfathers.

Detroit has had a black Mayor and numerous Police Chiefs since 1973 (36 years - 36) - now its police force (after official white applicant discrimination) is reportedly 73% black and the murders continue, the Code still lives - what have we gained with the spewing of negative police comments - nothing. The community because of its silent ineffective leaders still believe police officers (who now reflect their color) are still an 'army of occupation' - not protectors of your sons and daughters, your mothers and fathers, your grandparents, your friends, school mates....

Detroit now is the time to change your attitude - now is the time to rally behind you under staffed police officers and stop the killings, the robberies and rapes - They want to protect you but can't do it alone in a vacuum - they need your eyes and voice - Speak Up.

Now is the time for the Detroit Police Dept to stand up and reorganize itself into a model Department, with supervisors that have the intelligence, honesty and devotion to 'do the right thing' by Detroit residents - protect them. Stop the nepotism, favoritism, cronyism.

Now is the time for the Mayor and City Council to Stand Up and Speak Up use your media contacts, get some real credit by saying - we need to help the police and work with them to stop the violence and to make our city streets and schools safe - for everyone.

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