Sunday, March 08, 2009


Are you going to vote for Monica Conyers for Mayor.

I think she is building momentum, posing, posturing, positioning for the next mayoral campaign. It is now not about Cobo - but about Monica, who played the RACE card, and stirred up divisions that should be healing. She has poisoned the debate, the Cobo deal and the economic atmosphere in Detroit and Michigan. Her actions are hurting Detoit and Michigan and she doesn't get it - or fathom what she has done. Neither does Martha Reeves, JoAnne Watson, Barbara Rose Collins or Alberta Tinsley-Talabi who have increased racial tensions and divisions with their votes and bizarre actions.

Monica could face Cockrel or Bing, in the next Mayor election, both of whom, will be injured during the bruising campaign....she could easily label Bing - carpet bagger (which will be in Cockrel campaign) and Cockrel would be vulnerable on the Cobo deal - no matter how it turns out.

Detroit is $300 - 700 million dollars in debt.

The Detroit School System has an appointed state financial overseer and a bloated ineffective school board, whose members must be cut to five to seven (5 -7).

Detroit has lost 600,000+ residents....

Under Mayor Cockrel, the City of Detroit spends $15.4 million to operate the nine member City Council and another $11.8 million to operate the Mayor's Office itself ($27.2 million dollars). This budget must be slashed to the bare bones. Council member must be cut to five - seven (5 - 7).

So much is at stake in the Mayoral election, the Cobo deal, more must be done to save Detroit - before Detroit can't be saved - before Monica Conyers - for Mayor. Let a real debate begin - today..

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