Mayor, City of Detroit to settle whistleblower suits for $8.4 million
Mayor won't appeal cop cases
The payout on the Whistle Blower case, by the humbled? Mayor, who still fails to take responsibility for his actions which created the situation. He was not acting as the Mayor of
Detroit - but in defense of his personal indiscretions, and he should be forced by the City Council to pay the $8.4 Million dollars, but a weak Council will never have the backbone to require this. The Mayor can seek donations from his family and friends mafia. The payout will not end the bleeding of tax dollars.
The Detroit Police Department on and about 2004, began to violate federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws (EEOC), by not hiring white applicants for the Department.
Qualified applicants were ignored, lied to and cheated out of an opportunity to work for the Department by a policy that discriminated against them. This is under the Kilpatrick administration. A lawsuit if forthcoming. The Department is now 73% black, and lacking true ethical and responsible leadership.
The must hire Detroiters edict of the Mayor will incur even more lawsuits and payouts for the City and it is a racist policy that should be withdrawn.
The City also, will payout Millions of $$$$$ in the Grace v. Detroit Police Dept lawsuit, in which the Department has a residency requirement for applicants - the City lost, and hundreds of claimants are winners - but the City is the loser.
Kilpatrick must be held accountable. State and Federal investigations must go forward until the real truth is known.
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired