Monday, May 31, 2010


For over 50 years - the USA has boycotted Cuba, with a misguided policy that a boycott would bring down Fidel Castro and his regime.

Well after 50 years, by any measure this policy has been a failure - Fidel and Raul Castro remain in power and the Cuban people suffer - frozen in time.

President Obama has taken small steps - but he must declare an unilateral end to the boycott of Cuba - and Open Cuba to all Americans who wish to travel and/or reunite with family and friends. No restrictions - let American bring their dollars and voices of freedom - let the Cuban people begin to feel the freedom - even if Fidel and Raoul benefit, in the short run.

A program on CNBC (Escape from Havana:An American Story)about 14,000 children secretly flown out of Cuba in the 1960's and their stories is a compelling story of survival and of the failure of US policy.

These children now seniors - some feel Cuba must be open and that American policy, that they once supported, is wrong - and the USA must open trade and travel to Cuba.

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