Monday, August 25, 2008


We - our Country - the USA is about to nominate a black man for President, an historic event.

We are about to nominate the oldest man ever to run for President.

There are important issues facing this Country - the Democratic Convention has started - or has it????

I don't think so: the Big Bang Theory, Deal or No Deal, High School Musical - Get In the Picture, Prison Break, or the don't miss - Gossip Girl are on - more important than the Democratic Convention?

No wonder young voters, have no interest in politics or voting - they are not exposed to the interesting events and commentary about the way Democrats and Republicans Conventions operate - the people, the speeches the analysis.

I remember staying up past midnite to see John F. Kennedy nominated for President, the youngest candidate ever, a Catholic, some said too inexperienced, and yet we learned about him and others through convention coverage - it was fascinating. I watched as Robert Kennedy went across this Country speaking and engaging people and I watched his funeral. I watched as Lyndon B. Johnson was nominated. I watched Richard M. Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and others were nominated for President and watched as the uniquely American political conventions played out day after day - listened to the speeches, watched the people, watched the drama the chaos and tragedy of the 1968 Convention all live - for several nights - but now these unique events which come only once every four (4) years is denigrated, dismissed and ignored by TV networks whose bottom line is $$$$$ and not the Public Interest.

We watched the Olmpics from China - Live - for 14 days and nights - BUT get only glimpses of the uniquely American political conventions after 10 pm....How Outrageous - How sad...

We try to export Democracy at the point of a gun, our President speaks about the importance of Democracy and a freely elected govenment - BUT - we can't stand to watch it on our TVs. The networks think or have been told - we are not interested - its not commercial viable -

We may be tired of the long long often boring and repitious tv news clips of our candidates. We are tired of the attack ads, the distortion of our candidates positions - But we should be able to see on all of our commercial tv networks - the uniquely American event - the Democratic and Republican Conventions.....Demand It..

We are Americans - Democracy is our hallmark - not be shunted aside by the Gossip Girl.

Those of you who missed Senator Ted Kennedy's speech live - missed television at its best (but only on CNN) as he spoke for the 'torch being passed' and how 'American soldiers lives should not be spent on a mistake - but for a mission worthy of their sacrifices'

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