Saturday, May 15, 2010


The time to talk to your parents and your children about - your death - is now, when you are living and can make a decision on how you want to end your life - with care and dignity.

Sarah Palin, and Republican attempts to be disingenuous, misleading and wrong made this important discussion sound wrong - her 'death panels' comments lead people to believe that the government wanted to tell you how and when to die. Wrong - making that decision is one of the most important you will ever make - for your self and family.

Talking about Death is not easy, but necessary - you need to plan for the disposition of your property / wealth and how you want to die - slowly losing control of your body, your mind - or with dignity with grace. You need a will and a medical power of attorney, so that the person you chose to make your last decision - knows when and how you want the decision to be made, not at the last minute with or without passion - but with reason and properly thought out.

Medical discoveries can make us live longer than ever before and new medicines can preserve our lives - but it is the quality of life, that matters - not just life itself.

When our quality of life is over - its over - don't let your family be divided - love for you and your decision, is what matters, don't let your family be torn apart, guilt ridden - because you failed to let your final decision be known.

Dr. Jack Kervorkian - was right - Michigan and our country need to face this issue - and to allow people to die with dignity and grace - at the time of their chosing.

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