Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I received a Life Saving Award (years ago) because there wasn't enough EMS trucks available.....a young man was bleeding to death...its an old sad many more have to die???? EMS report WDIV Chl 4 - 9/10/08

But...I have also spoken out for years - the same deadly situation replicates itself in the DPD - not enough police officers....between 1980-85 Mayor Young laid off - 1,100 police officers - Detroit became 'the Murder City'....

Now Kilpatrick has let go 1,200 police officers..... And Chief Bully-cumming is trying to put lipstick on this.....(Cummings - crime is going down???)...well yes - the more citizens that move out - the less chance a crime will occur..Detroit it now the 11th largest city - not the 5th largest...How many more people have to die - and or become victims of crimes (violent / non-violent)?

Cummings has failed to comply with thhe Dept of Justice decrees - now oversight extended to 2011...8 yrs?..

Under Cummings there was persistent charges that FBI crime stats were 'adjusted'

How does she have 31 years with the DPD???????

David L. Malhalab Sgt DPD Retired

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